Axminster ap356ceh extraction

Hello all, please can any us we have 2 axminster extraction units professional ap357ceh and are having major problems with the filters blocking up all the time. The timber we use.most is accoya which we find sticks to the side of the extraction all over inside. Its cloggs the inside of the filter because of the fine dust and qe are having to take the machine at least 2 times a day to clean out the filter. We have put static band down to the floor and even earthed out the pipes to the unit. We are really pulling our hair out to find a way to stop this from happening. We even put the wipers.that are inside the extraction to maximum time, hopefully trying to clear filter, but to no use. Please help us guys
Thank you rob.

Hi, just picked up on this, have you considered a cyclone interceptor unit fitted prior to the extractor?