Most customers will fondly remember Axminster was well known for it’s excellent catalogue. I think it stopped some time around 2016? It’s certainly been a few years since I last got mine. Do you think Axminster should still produce a catalogue or do you believe (as I’m sure was the reasoning at Axminster) that costs are prohibitive and that the internet is now the way forward? Do you still enjoy catalogues from other retailers or do they go straight in the recycling bin!?
I liked the Axminster Catalogue, which I kept on the coffee table and regularly browsed even if I wasn’t about to make a purchase. As a consequence I was always ready with a solution to any tooling need - which I do not gain from the internet.
I receive and enjoy catalogues from other suppliers.
That said, I believe the cost of producing and distribution of catalogues can be prohibitive and think that each company has to make a value judgment on their worth - especially when the internet is so easy to access nowadays.
Most definitely. 2014 was the last catalogue I received and I still use it.
Not everyone wants or can use a computer. There was nothing better than sitting down with a cuppa and scanning through the Axminster Catalogue. I can’t be bothered going into the office, wait for the computer to warm up and by this time I’ve forgotten what I wanted to look at. Didn’t have any of this with the catalogue.
I do like thumbing through a catalogue but I do unstand why they are not produced anymore. Search engines just don’t have the same feeling and they don’t always return what you are looking for. Maybe an online catalogue might be another option, like Toolstation or CPC?
I’m sure I bought more ‘stuff’ when I had a catalogue to browse; as other have said, scanning a catalogue was a regular occurrence for me, and usually resulted in ordering something I hadn’t originally known I needed!!
Perhaps as Patrick says, an on-line catalogue!!
Although the glare of a screen will never beat the turn of a page, catalogues or books to my mind.
Catalogues are costly to produce but I still use my 2014 copy as a reference. Screwfix produce 2 or 3 a year so it must pay them to do it. There is a small office near me built with catalogues and it has survived quite well.
I remember no so long ago when we used to go into a travel agent(s) to look for a holiday and emerge with literally an armful of glossy catalogues which we then had to wade through and then dispose of them. Thankfully, those days are loooooong gone. Like it or loathe it, t’interweb is here to stay and generally (not always) makes life a lot easier.
I get that nearly everyone goes online to browse for that next purchase but having a physical catalog to look through and circle goodies that the family can buy me when I’m a good boy is far more beneficial in my own opinion. It also allows the family to see what I fancy and secretly buy them for things like Christmas.
The next question then is surely, will this be a return of the full Axminster catalogue (it looks like only mention of Axminster brands) and more importantly will the catalogue see prices rise or fall?
Short answer, nope; Ax brands only. As to prices, my guess is that they’ll only be correct at the time of publication and the current price will be shown on the t’interweb.